Bonnie Prince Billy At Metro Hall Thursday

Thomas McAdam
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Mayor Greg Fischer has asked us to invite you to a free monthly series showcasing local musicians, artists and performers. The Mayor’s Music and Art Series is the first Thursday of the month in the Mayor’s Gallery Listening Room.
The next show will be Thursday, September 3rd, featuring a very special performance by Bonnie Prince Billy. Doors at 11:30 a.m., music at 12:10 p.m.
Grab a lunch and enjoy the comfortable seating and great acoustics inside the Mayor’s Gallery, 4th floor of Metro Hall, 527 W. Jefferson St.
The monthly shows spotlight local musicians and artists in the intimate setting of the Mayor’s Gallery Listening Room at historic Louisville Metro Hall.
All shows are free and open to the public, first come/first served.
“Louisville has an international reputation for its music, performing and visual arts. We are showcasing a diverse mix of performers and artists in the Mayor's Gallery which has great acoustics and comfortable seating,” said Mayor Fischer.
So, pick up some great, local food for lunch and enjoy the show! Due to the historic nature of the Mayor’s Gallery, no outside drinks please. Louisville Pure Tap will be available at the performances.