Bonnycastle Residents Without Water Today

January 9, 2015 - 9:18am


Bonnycastle residents woke up this workday without water in their homes. Louisville Water officials hope to have water service back to residents later in the day. Single digit temperatures caused a water main at the foot of Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer’s home to burst open last night. Louisville Water officials on the scene indicate raw sewage appears to have discharged from a broken sewage pipe and collected around a water main buried below. Below freezing temperatures appear to have caused leaking sewage to freeze and break the water main according to a workman on the scene. He indicated the team is working quickly and cautiously to repair both pipes and prevent raw sewage from entering the water system. More to come…



  1. January 12, 2015 - 8:10pm
    Is that not the Mayor's house in the background? No surprise infrastructure repairs get fixed in a hurry there.