Let the Derby Parties begin!
Ed Springston
You can't think of the Kentucky Derby without immediately thinking of the Barnstable Brown Gala in the Highlands. For the last 27 years the party has been THE party to attend in Louisville and it never fails to deliver.
Celebrities from everywhere show up the night before the Derby and Louisville is showcased on a national stage with all the hoopla that surrounds celebrities everywhere they go. Some lucky locals get to attend as well. A party of this size does not just happen though. The planning for next year's party will actually begin the day after the Derby. Setup alone for the party takes an entire week.
Who can you expect to see there? Superbowl champion Tom Brady for one. He is bringing Rob Gronkowski, Julian Edelman and more along for the ride. He won't be the only quarterback there either. Green Bay Packers Aaron Rodgers is coming as well.
Of course you will have the usual musician celebrities such as Brian McKnight and Richie Sambora. Sambora will perform and guaranteed just about any other musician who is there will join in. It is THE party you know.
But there is always more that many seem to forget when they think about the Barnstable-Brown gala. It isn't just for fun. It is for charity and the sisters have done a heck of a good job raising money form this single event each year. How good? They have raised about $10,500,000 for their self named Barnstable Brown Diabetes and Obesity Research Center at the University of Kentucky.
Not bad ladies, not bad at all.