May Is Older Americans' Month

Thomas McAdam
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The month of May is nationally designated as “Older Americans’ Month.” Locally, the Louisville Metro Department of Community Services celebrates seniors who are still active as volunteers through its RSVP (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program) and Foster Grandparent Program (FGP). Both programs are primarily funded through Senior Corps, a division of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS).
Over 80 FGP volunteers attended the May “In-Service” celebration and trainings provided today at the Highland Community Ministries’ gym area, on E. Breckenridge St. FGP volunteers serve at local schools, in summer programs, at day-cares and at Hazelwood Hospital.
RSVP is holding its Region I celebration and training on Thursday, May 19 at ElderServe’s Oak and Acorn facility at 631 S. 28th St., between 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. This session invites the Louisville Metro RSVP members from over a dozen inner city and southern Indiana zip codes to participate in the educational and fun activities. The senior public is invited as guests, but reservations are needed by Tuesday, May 17 and there is a$5.00 charge per person. Two more Regional events are scheduled for July 22 (at Uspiritus/Brooklawn Campus) and Aug. 26 (Sun Valley Community Center).
Over 700,000 persons are served locally by one or more of these programs’ volunteers on an annual basis. From children, to homebound adults, families in need of food baskets, visitors to local parks, to helping animals; RSVP and FGP volunteers have an impact of over $2 million dollars in services.
Both programs have moved to 701 W. Ormsby Ave., 2nd Floor with several other Louisville Metro Community Services’ divisions. Persons age 55 or over who are interested in volunteering with either FGP or RSVP can go online to https://louisvilleky.gov/government/community-services/volunteer-help to complete an initial application for a follow-up call. Or, call (502) 574-1933 for FGP information and (502) 574-7305 for a no-obligation information packet from RSVP.
FGP volunteers within schools and day cares give their individualized attention to designated students needing help with development of age-appropriate reading or social skills. During summer, FGP volunteers are busy helping day camp participants retain reading skills while enjoying the seasonal break. At Hazelwood Hospital, the “grannies/grandpas” continue to serve developmentally challenged adult residents in developing life skills and/or reading abilities.
The nearly 500 members of Louisville Metro RSVP, serve nearly 70,000 hours annually at over 60 locations of public service, faith-based and community need agencies. Dozens serve at the Robley Rex Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC). Over 100 serve with the Louisville Metro Senior Nutrition Program – packing and/or delivering lunches to other homebound senior adults. RSVP volunteers can choose where and how many hours per month they wish to serve (according to participating agencies’ needs).