Moslems Enlist In The War On Christmas

Thomas McAdam
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Each Christmas, we have to worry about the Scrooges of the world who seem to dedicate their lives to ruining this festive holiday season for the rest of us. You know; the ACLU folks who wax apoplectic whenever a politician says “Merry Christmas” in public, or a Christmas tree pops up on government property. And the anti-Catholic Americans United (who recently changed their name from “Protestants and Other Americans United for the Separation of Church and State”), who worship only at the altar of Charles Darwin, and believe that the faith of our fathers is worse than mere superstition; it is a conspiracy against the Republic.
To this list of humbugs we might add the Global Warming zanies who accuse us of murdering polar bears when we string lights over the tree on our front lawn, and the PETA party-poopers who claim we have blood on our hands if we have anything other than a delicious vegan tofu Christmas dinner.
A few years ago, the Religion of Peace folks over in London produced an anti-Christmas advertising campaign that was nothing short of breathtaking in its vitriolic hatred of all things Western and Christian. The London Daily Mail reported that Islamic fanatics launched a nationwide poster campaign denouncing Christmas as evil. Organizers put up thousands of placards around the UK claiming the Season of Goodwill is responsible for “rape, teenage pregnancies, abortion, promiscuity, crime and pedophilia.” The stated purpose of the group was to “destroy Christmas,” and convince people to submit to Islam.
This is the same Religion of Peace that has been waging a continuous war against Christianity and Western civilization for 1400 years, with almost no respite. These are the guys who murder their daughters, traffic in women and children, encourage and participate in child marriages, destroy world heritage sites, beat their wives, mutilate women, send suicide bombers into churches and restaurants, and fly airplanes into office buildings. Is anyone surprised that our festival of Peace and Brotherhood is the latest target of these jihadists?
In this season of love and brotherhood, it is expected that we cut our neighbors a little slack. We should all do our best to tolerate those who disagree with us. But it is well to remember Mark Twain’s admonition against “tolerating intolerance.” Twain, in his autobiography, pretty much summed it up when he wrote: “All the talk about tolerance, in anything or anywhere, is plainly a gentle lie. It does not exist. It is in no man's heart; but it unconsciously, and by moss-grown inherited habit, drivels and slobbers from all men's lips.”