Adult Education Week

Thomas McAdam
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Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear has designated Sept. 21-26 as Kentucky Adult Education Week. Many local adult education centers will be sponsoring activities to raise awareness of free, academic skill-building services available to qualified adults.
The state observance coincides with National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week, set by the United States Congress.
“We are very grateful to have Kentucky Adult Education Week recognized by Governor Beshear to help build awareness of the free services offered at local adult education centers in 120 counties,” said Reecie Stagnolia, vice president for Kentucky Adult Education, Council on Postsecondary Education.
Kentucky has made great progress in increasing the number of Kentuckians in the working-age population with a high school diploma or its equivalency since 2000, ranking it the fifth best improvement in the nation, said Stagnolia. The GED pass rate ranks second in the nation at 84 percent.
“Our local programs’ implementation of innovative instructional approaches, including the fast-track GED Express program, ensures that more of our students are successful,” said Stagnolia.
Another key strategy is the Accelerating Opportunity model, which helps students earn a GED diploma while earning college credit in occupational skills classes. This program is available through a partnership with the colleges of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.
High school diplomas and equivalencies will grow more important in the future, said Stagnolia.
“By 2020, 63 percent of all jobs will require some level of postsecondary education, whether that be certifications or two- or four-year degrees – or beyond. Kentucky Adult Education is increasing its efforts to encourage more of its students to continue their education and training, leading to the prospect of earning family-sustaining wages,” he said.
Kentucky adult education programs offer free classes to help qualified individuals earn GED diplomas and National Career Readiness Certificates, as well as prepare for postsecondary training, college and career. To find out more about these services or to participate in the week’s activities, contact the adult education program in your county, which can be found at: http://www.kyvae.org/countycontacts.aspx.