Jobs For Veterans

Thomas McAdam
iLocalNews Louisville is your best source of news and information about Derby City.
- Professional Journalist
If you are a military veteran living in Louisville, and are having difficulty finding suitable employment, a new program has just been announced to assist you in translating the military skills you have developed, into a good civilian job.
The Veterans Economic Communities Initiative (VECI) aims to increase the number of education and employment opportunities for Veterans and their families through a network of support at the community level. In partnership with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Economic Liaisons in each VECI community will collaborate with government leaders, businesses, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations to help build an integrated network of support and resources for Veterans and their families.
Louisville is one of the first 25 VECI communities. Economic Liaisons will raise awareness of the benefits of investing in Veterans; equip employers with information and tools that will help them hire and retain Veteran employees; work with community partners and policy experts to find ways to overcome education and career challenges that Veterans and their families face; encourage education institutions to help Veterans use their education benefits to gain the skills they need for career success; and make connections among the numerous community organizations that serve Veterans and their families to maximize their impact.
Access to resources and support will empower Veterans and their families to return enormous value to their communities. Using their GI Bill and other benefits, they will become students, homeowners, entrepreneurs, employees, and community leaders.
This not only creates stability and opportunity for Veterans, but also boosts the community's economy and ability to attract more Veterans to its workforce. VECI communities will serve as models for other communities to follow, so that Veterans and their families nationwide have the opportunities and support they need to achieve economic success.
For more information contact:
Scott Gardiner (Consultant)
Louisville Economic Liaison
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20420