Kentucky Politicians View Iran Nuke Deal Differently
Winston Smith
- Professional Journalist
President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry announced this week that the United States and the government of Iran have finally reached an agreement concerning Iran’s nuclear development program and the lifting of international sanctions. Kentucky’s congressional representatives quickly issued statements, indicating their views on the international accord; and indicating the wide partisan divide which exists in the area of foreign affairs.
On Tuesday, July 14, Democrat Congressman John Yarmuth (D-Ky-3) issued the following statement on the nuclear agreement reached between the P5+1 nations and Iran:
“This historic agreement is a victory for American diplomacy and international security. We now have a clear plan to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, which ensures a safer world and a more stable Middle East. As President Obama stated this morning, this agreement is not built on trust—it is built on verification. I commend President Obama, Secretary Kerry, Secretary Moniz, and our entire negotiating team for their hard work, and I thank our fellow P5+1 nation partners for their dedication in reaching this landmark deal.”
The next day, Wednesday, July 15, Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued a statement indicating that he was reserving judgment on the agreement, until he had an opportunity to actually read a copy:
“I said yesterday that the Senate would thoroughly review the White House’s deal with Iran. I said we’d hold hearings, call witnesses, and ultimately vote to approve or disapprove of the deal in accordance with the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act. That’s what we’ve long planned to do and — once the Administration fully transmits the text to us — it’s just what we will do.
“Senators are already taking a close look at what they’ve been able to get their hands on thus far. But the Senate eagerly awaits the full transmission of that text and the required certifications — we await the beginning of a comprehensive review process premised on a simple question: can the agreement meet its essential test of leaving our country and our allies safer?”