Bradford Mills Will House Apartments

Thomas McAdam
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Louisville Metro Councilman Steve Magre (D-10) announced some good news yesterday, for the residents of the Germantown Neighborhood. Plans have been presented by the new owners-developers of Bradford Mills- Boyd Moving properties. These two separate buildings are connected. They sit along E. Oak Street just west of the Reutlinger Street intersection and on the south side of E. Oak Street.
The new owners have developed detailed plans for 150 new market rate apartments in the renovated buildings. The next step in moving this forward is for the owners to approach a variety of governmental agencies to put all in order to be approved to start work. Their goal is to start leasing apartments by spring of 2016.
This major project will be piggy backing on what is now taking place on Goss Avenue at Germantown Lofts. Exciting times and a very exciting transitioning is taking place in the neighborhood. The owners anticipate a press release soon providing full details, including sharing of the design renderings. Councilman Magre notes that these developers have strong and positive reputations and track record of prior local and regional work.