Okolona Soccer Club Registration Deadline July 25

Thomas McAdam
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The nice folks over at the Okolona Soccer Club remind us that the deadline for Fall Registration is July 25. The season begins at the end of July, and early August, and ends the first week of November.
Practice and home games are held at McNeely Park South, 10500 Cedar Creek Road.
Mail-in Registration is open, now, until July 25. CLICK HERE for a registration form.
If you would rather sign up in person, you can go to the Okolona Soccer Club at McNeely Park South on:
Saturday, July 18 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Saturday, July 25 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
● Under 6 Academy (ages 4-6 years old)
Practice Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
All Games on Saturday at 10:00 AM
All practice and games are at McNeely Park South
$60.00 per player (includes uniform in fall season)
Contact Elizabeth Cooke at ecooke@twc.com for more information
● Ages Under-8, Under-10, Under-12, Under-14
Teams practice twice a week with games on Saturday sometimes Sunday.
Practice days and time selected by coach, time usually 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
$95.00 per player (uniforms included in fall season only)
● High School Teams
Usually in Spring but will do if there is enough interest
Contact Patrick Kastlehun at Pele13@twc.com
● Adult Soccer
Anyone interested in playing soccer? Let them know and what structure you would like to play. They are willing, but just need to know how much interest there is. Contact Elizabeth Cooke at ecooke@twc.com or Patrick Kastlehun at Pele13@twc.com
Okolona Soccer Club is run by volunteers. They are looking for additional volunteer coaches for the fall 2015 season. Please contact Elizabeth Cooke at ecooke@twc.com if interested. Background check is required.
Registration Form can be printed out and mailed to:
Kimberly Vickers
7015 Black Walnut Circle
Louisville Kentucky 40229
Checks must accompany registration form made out to Okolona Soccer Club. If payment arrangements are needed please contact Kim Vickers at kimvickers@aol.com. Don't forget that birth certificates are required
Para informacion es espanol hablar a Hector Gonzalez at (502) 384-4421, hectorgonzalez@twc.com