Free Guardianship Training

Thomas McAdam
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The Council On Develomental Disabilities' Family & Outreach Support Program is offering a free training on Guardianship & Conservatorship on July 14, 2015. The training will be presented by Claudia Smith, Assistant Jefferson County Attorney, and will provided step-by-step procedures for going through Disability Court, as well as possible alternatives to guardianship and conservatorship.
WHEN: Tuesday, July 14 from 1:30 - 3:00 pm
WHERE: The Council On Developmental Disabilities, 1151 South 4th Street (free parking across the street)
Registration is free, but to reserve a spot you must contact Mona Wilkerson at 584-1239 or mwilkerson@councilondd.org
The stated mission of The Council On Develomental Disabilities is to initiate positive change on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities
The Council is a small nonprofit with a great big vision: a society that includes, values and empowers children, youth and adults with developmental disabilities. They provide advocacy training, education, guidance and outreach activities to families, to their children and to adults with autism-spectrum disorders, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, seizure disorders, and the spectrum of developmental and intellectual disabilities. They pledge to be here for you for a lifetime, offering education and empowerment through all the stages of your journey.
Since its founding in 1952, The Council has demonstrated the benefits of bringing many organizations and individuals together around a vision of serving people with disabilities. They have a deep history of working collaboratively with universities, local and state government, and other agencies to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities.
The Council has a proven ability to make big things happen. A few highlights from their history include:
● The development and operation of several innovative direct-service programs serving people with disabilities. The Council operated these programs before transitioning them to appropriate public or private organizations for ongoing operation. Successful spinoff ventures of The Council include ZoomGroup, enTECH and Custom Quality Services.
● In 1999, The Council brought 52 organizations together around a vision for services for people with developmental disabilities with the organizing of the Coalition for Quality and Choice. The Coalition’s efforts led to an unprecedented increase in expenditures to serve Kentuckians with disabilities.
● For six years, The Council was a leader in the movement to pass the Adult Protection Registry, a piece of legislation to help prevent the abuse, neglect and exploitation of older adults and individuals with disabilities. The Registry was passed into law in spring 2014.
● In 2009, The Council opened Weber Gallery, a venue that brings together professional artists and artists with disabilities for joint exhibits. The gallery has been a tremendous success, with many partners in the community supporting their mission of embracing artists of all abilities.