Louisville’s Failed Leadership is Criminal
- Professional Journalist
One of the top duties and responsibilities of the Mayor of Louisville is to enforce the laws of the local government, according to KRS 67C.105 (5). Mayor Gregory Fischer has truly failed to carry out these important public duties entrusted in him by the people he represents. Violent crime rates have escalated to the highest levels in five decades and homicides have doubled under Mayor Gregory Fischer’s watch, according to news reports.
Louisville’s top public safety official Mayor Gregory Fischer has enabled a rise in violent crime rates to record levels over the past seven years and the people in our community suffer the consequences. Louisville ranks as one of the deadliest cities in America, according to a survey by an association of major city police chiefs. A similar study by Areavibes.com says that 92% of cities in the United States are “more safe” than Louisville. The study claims Louisville residents have a 1 in 20 chance of becoming a victim of crime, and I am an experienced data point of this ugly statistic.
Mayor Gregory Fischer’s three 2011 leadership “pillars,” or goals, to create “well paying” jobs, “improve education” and be a “more compassionate city” continue to crumble, while violent criminal activity in our city hits record levels.
Mayor Gregory Fischer FAILED his 2011 objective for “well paying” jobs in Louisville. Corporations will NOT move well paying jobs to an unsafe community with record level violent crime rates. People make up companies. Qualitative factors such as low crime rates, good public education systems and other quality of life factors drive company decisions to open high paying job facilities in safe communities. Unfortunately, Louisville does not qualify.
Mayor Gregory Fischer FAILED his 2011 objective to “improve education” in Louisville. Four of the Ten “Worst Performing Public Schools” in the nation for the 2016-2017 school year are Louisville public schools, according to NeighborhoodScout school rankings. Please help us understand what Mayor Gregory Fischer has been doing the past seven years to own 40% of the ten worst public schools in the country.
Mayor Gregory Fischer FAILED his 2011 objective for Louisville to be a “more compassionate city.” Google Dictionary defines compassion as “sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.” It appears Mayor Gregory Fischer’s path to increase “sympathetic pity and concern” is to enable record levels of violent criminal activity and, in turn, increase “the sufferings or misfortunes” of the victims. I do not believe the path traveled is the outcome Karen Armstrong intended for her movement.
Why would a company choose to create “well paying jobs” in one of the most dangerous cities in the United States? How did Louisville end up with 40 percent of the ten worst performing public schools in the nation? How can a city become more compassionate for others during a time when 1 in 20 residents are victims of a crime? What say you, Mayor Gregory Fischer? Why would the residents of Louisville want to continue this path of FAILED government leadership?
Wake up Louisville. It is time for change. We can and should do better!