Meals For Homebound Seniors

Thomas McAdam
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All homebound seniors needing meal delivery service in Louisville will receive it thanks to an exciting new partnership announced by Mayor Greg Fischer yesterday.
The city's traditional Meals on Wheels program, which is part of Louisville Metro Community Services’ Senior Nutrition Program, delivers hot meals to more than 400 elderly and disabled adults in Louisville each weekday. But increasing demand for meals, combined with rising costs and declining funding, has created a consistent waiting list of approximately 100 qualified seniors.
The new GMeals-On-Wheels will fill this gap by delivering five, freshly prepared chilled meals weekly to seniors on the Meals-On-Wheels waiting list until a spot in the traditional program opens up.
“A nutritious meal is vital for our seniors,” Fischer said. “GMeals-On-Wheels does more than fight hunger by providing a week’s worth of meals. It gives about 100 of our most vulnerable citizens’ peace of mind with a weekly visit. This is a great example of a public/private partnership delivering a healthy dose of compassion.”
GFoundation, a Louisville-based nonprofit, launched the GMeals-On-Wheels program with support from Republic Bank and Yum! Brands Foundation. GFoundation contracts with GMeals, a healthy meal production company in our community, to produce fresh, healthy meals according to medically recommended guidelines.
"GFoundation and the GMeals-On-Wheels program are committed to addressing the issue of senior hunger in the Louisville community and across the state of Kentucky,” said John Shaw-Woo, founding board member and committee chair for the GFoundation. “We are proud to partner with the Louisville Metro Senior Nutrition Program and Meals on Wheels to meet the needs of this population.”
“We are grateful for this exciting new partnership with GFoundation, which will help many more of our community’s seniors stay healthy and safe at home,” said Eric Friedlander, director of Louisville Metro Community Services. “More than ever, we must join forces to meet the needs of the fastest growing population in America – the elderly - who want to be able to live at home for as long as they can.”
About Louisville Metro Community Services’ Senior Nutrition Program
Louisville Metro Senior Nutrition programs are funded, in part, under a contract with KIPDA and the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Cabinet for Health and Family Services with funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Louisville Metro Government and private donations from individuals and families. In addition to providing daily meals, staff and volunteers provide individual interaction and attention to homebound and congregant participants.
The Senior Nutrition Program also sponsors more than 20 senior congregate sites for more active seniors, 60 and older. Sites require a one-day advanced reservation. For more information, CLICK HERE.
The Senior Nutrition Program is always seeking volunteers to help in a variety of capacities, including meal delivery. For more information about volunteering, call 502/574-6420.
About GFoundation
GFoundation was conceptually created in 2013 by John Shaw-Woo, and in 2015, its executive board was established to focus on the mission of reducing Kentucky poverty associated with hunger, homelessness, mental illness and illiteracy. GFoundation Board Members are Madeline Abramson, Terri Bass, Rachel Keens, Janice Levitch De La Blanc, Linda Shapiro, John Shaw-Woo, Dr. Mark Slaughter, Christine Stone, Dr. Shiao Woo and Susan Yarmuth.
About GMeals
GMeals is a Louisville-based healthy meal company that produces fresh, healthy, medically recommended meals to assist in preventing and reversing some chronic illnesses caused by unhealthy eating practices. GMeals is committed to improving the lives of Kentuckians because, “We Believe People Can Eat Better.”