Want To Buy A Share In A Racehorse?

Thomas McAdam
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Have you ever wondered what it’s like to own a Thoroughbred racehorse that resides in the barn of a Hall of Fame trainer? Churchill Downs Racetrack will give 200 people that chance this spring through the creation of the new Churchill Downs Racing Club – a low-cost pathway that introduces people to the excitement of Thoroughbred racehorse ownership.
For a one-time cost of $500, prospective owners will own a share of a Thoroughbred that will be purchased, trained and managed by legendary horseman D. Wayne Lukas, the charismatic four-time winner of the Kentucky Derby. The Thoroughbred will be prepared to race during the upcoming 2016 Spring Meet that opens Saturday, April 30 and continues for 38 days through Saturday, July 2.
The club is a low-cost, low-risk glimpse into the life of a Thoroughbred owner. Churchill Downs’ VIP Services Manager Gary Palmisano will represent the club’s interest and serve as a liaison for the ownership group. Benefits will include regular e-mail updates on the horse, visits to the track in the early mornings – and breakfast on select days – to watch the horse train, trips to the paddock, watching the race in a group setting and hopefully experiencing the thrill of visiting the G.H. MUMM Winners’ Circle. Each member will receive free general admission for two to Churchill Downs in 2016, a season-long Owner parking pass and invitations to exclusive Churchill Downs Racing Club events at the track.
“Owning a racehorse is one of the most exciting experiences in all of sports,” said Mike Ziegler, Executive Director of Racing for Churchill Downs Incorporated. “We want to introduce that experience to racing fans who may have wanted to try in the past but didn’t know how. Now, they get to give it a shot with one of the greatest trainers of all time, D. Wayne Lukas.”
Interested parties are invited to register online at ChurchillDowns.com/RacingClub.
The Churchill Downs Racing Club membership will be limited to 200 ownership shares. The all-inclusive $500 entry fee will be used to purchase a Thoroughbred and pay for its training fees and expenses, which will be disclosed regularly to the group. There will be no additional expenses. Membership dues will be deposited into a horsemen’s account and expenses will be paid from that account.
The Churchill Downs Racing Club has been organized as a 501C7 Not for Profit Social Club and is structured as a not-for-profit educational association meaning members should not join with any profit motive or expectation of profit. Members may not receive back any of the $500 membership fee, but the club’s directors will make a determination of the distribution of funds if a profit is made.