More Shared Lane Markings Coming in St. Matthews
Chip Sobel
- Professional Journalist
Metro Councilman Bill Hollander (D-9) wants to inform his constituents that depending on weather and contractor scheduling, additional shared lane markings will begin appearing on some St. Matthews streets as part of the St. Matthews Phase 2 Neighborway project over the next couple of weeks. The markings serve to remind bicyclists and motorists to share the road, and indicate proper lane positioning for bikes. Eleven streets will be part of a "neighborway" system of low traffic volume streets optimized for bicycle travel. The streets are:
- Bauer Avenue from Frankfort Avenue to Wilmington Avenue
- Wilmington Avenue from Bauer Avenue to Macon Avenue
- Macon Avenue from Wilmington Avenue to Hillsboro Road
- Hillsboro Road from Macon to South Sherrin Avenue
- South Sherrin Avenue from Hillsboro Road to Alton Road
- Alton Road from South Sherrin Avenue to Monohan Drive
- Monohan Drive from Alton Road to Norbourne Boulevard
- Norbourne Boulevard from Monohan Drive to Macon Avenue
- Meridian Avenue from Willis Avenue to Nanz Avenue
- Nanz Avenue from Wiltshire Avenue to South Sherrin Avenue
- South Sherrin Avenue from Nanz Avenue to Alton Road