Talk With David Next Saturday

Thomas McAdam
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The next “Talk with David” in Louisville Metro’s District 6 is set for Saturday, June 27th at Victory Park
Councilman David James invites residents of District 6 to come out to the next “Talk with David” on Saturday, June 27th. It’s an opportunity to meet with the Councilman and talk about any issue or concern from residents in an informal, relaxed setting.
“I am encouraging everyone to come out and just talk with me on a Saturday morning,” says James. “This is another way to let me know what is on your mind and how I can better serve as your Metro Councilman.”
“Talk with David” will be held at Victory Park, 1051 South 23rd Street. The event begins at 10:00 a.m.
“If you have a concern, come and talk to me about it. Not everyone has time during the week to come down to City Hall to talk things over,” says James. “If nothing else, just drop by and say hi!”
Refreshments will be served and everyone is welcome.
For more information about “Talk with David “, contact Councilman James’ office at 574-1106.