August Is Pet Amnesty Month

Thomas McAdam
iLocalNews Louisville is your best source of news and information about Derby City.
- Professional Journalist
Jessica Montgomery, Director of Louisville’s Metro Animal Services has declared August to be Amnesty Month for Overdue Pet Licenses. Late Fees will be waived when you renew your pet’s license this month. There are three ways to renew your license:
● Stop by Metro Animal Services at 3705 Manslick Road
● Call 502-473-7387
● Renew your pet license online CLICK HERE
What are the Benefits to Licensing Your Pet?
● Being reunited with your pet is just a phone call away: 365 days a year...dispatchers are on duty to help with the process.
● For those who find a lost licensed pet, it's your assurance that the pet has its updated rabies shots.
● Animal Services will escort your pet home if we find it lost.
Don't wait! Save in August and get your dog or cat’s license renewed! Let’s get ‘em tagged!!