District 5 Community Celebration Set for September 19th
Chip Sobel
- Professional Journalist
Councilwoman Cheri Bryant Hamilton (D-5) and the District 5 Neighborhood Advisory Committee want to spread the word that Shawnee Park will once again host the 2015 Community Celebration Saturday, September 19th.
“Once a year, we want to bring everyone together who has helped make a difference in the district and honor those who have given their time and talent for the benefit of all,” says Hamilton. “It is a time to kick back and enjoy the last days of summer.”
The Celebration will be held at the Shawnee Park Amphitheater from 10:00am until dusk. A wide variety of sounds and other entertainment is planned. From 10:00am to 2:00pm children’s activities will take place, and a custom showcase car show be ongoing the entire day. From 3:00pm to 8:00pm there will local music and cultural talent featuring: Tony Fish, The Louisville Connection, The Unlimited Show Band, Maestro J, Mike B, and Roots and Wings.
The highlight of the Celebration is always the Annual Molly Leonard Community Service Awards. The Awards are presented to salute many dedicated volunteers in the District 5 Community. Molly Leonard was a well-respected and dedicated community activist and leader in the Portland neighborhood for many years and began volunteering in the community at age 13. In 2014, The Portland Community Center was renamed in her honor.
“There are many volunteers who deserve our thanks for taking the time and effort to help others and our community,” says Hamilton. “These awards are our way of showing our thanks and gratitude for all they do.”
The Celebration is also looking for vendors of all kinds including food, crafts, information, nonprofit and community groups. If you are a vendor or would like to volunteer to help with all the fun, contact Councilwoman Hamilton’s office at 574-1105 or email myra.friend-ellis@louisvilleky.gov.
“The important thing to remember is this Celebration is a time to relax. So come enjoy yourself, kick back with your friends as the days cool down and enjoy the sounds of Jazz, R&B, and the spoken word,” says Hamilton.