Voter Registration Deadline October 5
Thomas McAdam
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Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes reminds eligible Kentuckians that the deadline to register to vote in the upcoming Nov. 3 General Election is Monday, Oct. 5.
“Kentucky is at its best when all citizens are engaged,” said Grimes. “With less than one week left to register to vote in the November 3rd election, I hope all eligible voters will make sure they are registered and that their information is up to date so they can make their voices heard.”
County clerks’ offices throughout Kentucky will accept voter registration cards until the close of business on Oct. 5. Mail-in voter registration applications must be postmarked by that date.
Grimes also reminds Kentuckians of several important voting laws:
To be eligible to vote, you must:
● Be a U.S. citizen,
● Be a Kentucky resident for at least 28 days before Election Day,
● Be at least 18 years old by the date of the next general election,
● Not be a convicted felon, or if convicted of a felony offense, must have obtained a restoration of civil rights,
● Not have been adjudged “mentally incompetent,” and
● Not claim the right to vote anywhere outside Kentucky.
Voters who have recently moved need to update their voter registration information by no later than Oct. 5. Pursuant to KRS 116.025(6), individuals who move from one county to another county while the voter registration books are open and fail to update their registration information before the voter registration books close are not permitted to vote in the election.
Under Secretary Grimes’ Address Confidentiality Program, victims of domestic violence and sexual assault can register and update their registration while keeping their names and addresses out of publicly available voter records.
You can verify whether you are registered to vote or check your current voter information, including address, party affiliation and polling place, on the Voter Information Center, https://vrsws.sos.ky.gov/vic/.
To obtain a registration card or for more information about registering to vote, contact your county clerk, visit the State Board of Elections website or call the State Board at (502) 573-7100.
To learn more about the Address Confidentiality Program, visit www.sos.ky.gov.