Fairdale Trick Or Treat

Thomas McAdam
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Little ghosts and goblins of District 13 have a very special event waiting for them when Councilwoman Vicki Aubrey Welch and the Fairdale Community Club host the 13th Annual Trick or Treat Street on Thursday, October 22nd.
“The Fairdale Community Club is a fabulous organizer of this great event for the children of our area. The businesses and other organizations who participate are to be commended for demonstrating that they care about our children having a safe Halloween experience.” says Welch.
The Fairdale Playtorium will be the spooky scene for an evening of fun between the hours of 6:00pm and 8:00pm for children 12 and under. The Playtorium is located at 10616 West Manslick Road.
There will be free refreshments as well as trick or treating inside the Playtorium and costumes are encouraged.
Since 2003, Councilwoman Welch has partnered with the Fairdale Community Club and many area businesses to make Halloween a safe and fun holiday for children and their families. Last year, over 300 children and their parents enjoyed Trick or Treat Street.
For more information about the 13th Annual Trick or Treat Street, contact Councilwoman Welch’s office at 574-1113.