National Night Out At Waterfront Park

Thomas McAdam
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The Louisville Metro Police Department’s First Division is inviting everyone to come out to the Big Four Bridge at Waterfront Park on Tuesday, August 4th as part of this year’s National Night Out Celebration in an effort to partner with communities to fight crime.
“Waterfront Park is the perfect setting to come out and meet with LMPD officers in a fun, relaxed atmosphere,” says Councilwoman Cheri Bryant Hamilton (D-5). “While this setting is a fun one, it is an opportunity to find out what’s going on in crime prevention with LMPD Officers.”
The First Division stretches from Portland to NuLu, to the Russell Neighborhood, Butchertown and Phoenix Hill. It also covers all of the Central Business District Downtown.
“As we have seen over the years, not only is there growing activity in our neighborhoods but also more people are coming downtown and we want them to know they are safe,” says President David Tandy (D-4). “This event is a great way to promote a spirit of cooperation with the people who patrol our streets.”
National Night Out is a nationwide event in which the community unites in order to fellowship and stamp out crime. This year is the first time the First Division has held the event at the Big Four Bridge.
“LMPD participates in these events to get out and meet the people they protect,” says Councilman Bill Hollander (D-9). “Now we as a community should be willing to come out and let these officers know what we think and that we are ready to help.”
The First Division’s National Night Out will get under way from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. There will be displays featuring many specialized vehicles and units on display such as SWAT, HNT, Bomb Squad and the Air Unit flying in to land on the Waterfront.
It will also feature many of the officers who patrol the First Division, so that the citizens can meet the officers who keep Metro Louisville safe.
For more information about the First Division’s National Night Out Celebration at Waterfront park, call 574-LMPD (5673).