Neighborhood Place Summer Events

Thomas McAdam
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Neighborhood Place sites in Louisville will offer six back to school events in July and early August, plus free educational workshops to benefit the entire family including a job search series, several educational baby showers, three couponing classes plus much more. To learn more about these services, including reservations requirements and contact info, please refer to the phone numbers listed by each event.
Back to School Events
July 18, Back to School Fest at Lynnhurst United Church of Christ, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Located at 4401 Taylor Blvd. Call 485-7130 for more information. Open to all students in grades kindergarten through high school. Free backpacks filled with health products (while supplies last), community resources, health screenings and fun activities. Sponsored by South Central Neighborhood Place and Louisville Metro Department of Community Services.
July 24, Back to School Blast at Cochran Elementary School, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Located at 500 W. Gaulbert Ave. Call 634-6050 to pre-register and for more information. Open to students in grades kindergarten through high school. Free school supplies (while supplies last), vendors, community resources, physicals, dental checks and immunizations (must bring official immunization record). Sponsored by Bridges of Hope Neighborhood Place, Louisville Metro Department of Community Services, Louisville Metro Housing Authority, Community Coordinated Child Care, Louisville Metro Healthy Start, JCPS, PACT in Action (Parkhill, Algonquin, and California Teens).
July 30, Back to School Festival at Stuart Middle School, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Located at 4601 Valley Station Rd. For more information call 363-1483. This annual event is open to families with children in kindergarten through high school. School supplies and backpacks will be provided to families who participate in three, 10-minute ‘mini-trainings’ (while supplies last). Over 20 presenters will be at the event to share information on various topics plus mascots and lots of hands on fun will be on board. Sponsored by South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, Cane Run Neighborhood Place, Louisville Metro Department of Community Services, South Jefferson Community Partnership, Drug-Free Communities Grant, area JCPS schools, Kidz Club and Valley View Church.
August 1, Back to School Distribution at UjimaNeighborhood Place DuValle Education Center side parking lot, 1 – 3 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call 485-6710 for more information. Held in conjunction with the "Village of Park DuValle Annual Neighborhood Appreciation Day", school supplies will be distributed (while supplies last) and other helpful resources will be available. Sponsored in part by Ujima Neighborhood Place and Louisville Metro Department of Community Services.
August 1, Back to School Fest at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Located at 1501 Rangeland Rd. Call 962-3160 or 485-3889 for more information. Free, grade-appropriate school supplies (while supplies last) and free lunches for kids served by JCPS Nutrition Services. Community Resource Fair provided including diabetes and blood pressure checks, YMCA program, voter registration, library services and plus lots of music and fun. Sports physicals offered for $20 (cash only) and dental screenings offered by Gordon Dental Associates. Must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Sponsored in part by First Neighborhood Place and Louisville Metro Department of Community Services.
August 6, Northwest Back to School Festival at Northwest Neighborhood Place, 2 – 4 p.m.
Located at 4018 West Market St. Call 485-7230 for more information. Open to students from kindergarten through high school. Free backpacks loaded with essential school supplies for the coming year will be distributed while supplies last. Educational and community vendors will be on-site including the Shawnee Clinic to help schedule health physicals for family participants, plus Kidz Zone will be available for all to enjoy. Students must be accompanied by their parent or guardian. Sponsored by Northwest Neighborhood Place, Louisville Metro Community Services, Kidz Club, JCPS FRYSCs, and Service for Peace.
Other upcoming events
Tuesdays, Couponing Support Group at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. For more information and to register call 485-6145. Learn tips and money-saving ideas to help build extra financial wealth in using coupons while grocery shopping. Facilitated by Kim Mapp and Carla Cambron
July 7, Legal Aid Society Office Hours at South Central Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Located at 4255 Hazelwood Ave. Call 485-7130 for more information. A Legal Aid staff member will be on hand to answer questions, talk about cases handled by Legal Aid and help provide referrals.
July 8, Grand Reopening Celebration at First Neighborhood Place, 11 a.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd. Call 962-3160 for more information. After serving the community for more than 21 years, First Neighborhood Place has been undergoing a renovation complete with new warm and inviting client space and renovated offices. Join with local officials, Neighborhood Staff and community leaders for a rededication of this collaborative agency and enjoy a tour as well.
July 14, Legal Aid Expungement Clinic at Bridges of Hope Neighborhood Place, 2 – 3:30 p.m.
Located at 1411 Algonquin Pkwy. Call 634-6057 to register and for more information. A Legal Aid Society attorney will be on hand to discuss expungements and provide one-on-one reviews to determine if individual records qualify for an expungement. Expungement of record is "the process by which criminal records can be destroyed/removed."
July 14 and July 21, Financial Wellness/Money Management Workshop at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 10 - 11 a.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call 485-6145 to register and for more information. Valerie Holland with University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension will provide ideas and steps toward having control over day-to-day and month-to-month finances and having the financial freedom to make choices that allow one to enjoy life.
July 15 and 29, Shawnee Library Outreach at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call 485-6145 for more information. Children and adults will have an opportunity to check out books, apply for library cards and learn more about programs sponsored by the Louisville Free Public Library. Story time begins at 12 noon.
July 16, LG&E WeCare Energy Efficiency Overview at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call 1-800-356-5467 for more information. Representatives from the WeCare Program at LG&E will be on hand to talk with interested persons about energy efficiency, energy usage and tips to reduce utility bills. WeCare staff can also help determine if households are eligible for a variety of free services including air duct sealing and insulation, attic and wall insulation, programmable thermostats and much more.
Thursdays, July 16 through August 6, Finding the Right Job at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Please call 485-6145 to register. This four-week session will help with employability skills, successful job searches as well as finding the right job and keeping it. After completing the workshop, participants are provided weekly job search assistance and ongoing support from a Jewish Family and Career Services coach after employment for at least 90 days.
Two opportunities for the Healthy Journey for Two Educational Baby Shower
Seven Counties and KIDSNow Plus hosts these educational baby showers to share information on how to care for yourself and your baby while being pregnant. Explore the do’s and don’ts of a healthy pregnancy in a free, fun setting. Pregnant attendees receive a baby tote filled with baby items and a gas/gift card, with more chances to win prizes like gift/layette set(s), bottle sets and more. RSVP is required to Mendy Mason at 859-553-5305 or mmason@sevencounties.org.
- July 21, South Central Neighborhood Place, 4255 Hazelwood Ave., 1- 3 p.m.
- July 23, Ujima Neighborhood Place, 3610 Bohne Ave., 2 - 4 p.m.
July 21, Wellcare Educational Baby Shower at Bridges of Hope Neighborhood Place, 1 – 3 p.m.
Located at 1411 Alonquin Pkwy. RSVP required by calling (270) 793-7336. WellCare Health Plans, Inc. is offering this free community baby shower to share information on how to care for yourself and your baby while being pregnant.
July 28, Extreme Couponing 101 at Bridges of Hope Neighborhood Place, 1 – 2:30 p.m.
Located at 1411 Algonquin Pkwy. Call 634-6057 to register and for more information. Local couponing guru, Kim Mapp, will teach tips and money-saving ideas to help participants build extra financial wealth while grocery shopping.
Wednesdays, July 29 through August 19, Finding the Right Job at South Central Neighborhood Place, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Located at 4255 Hazelwood Ave. Please call 485-7135 to RSVP. This four-week session will help with employability skills, successful job searches as well as finding the right job and keeping it. After completing the workshop, participants are provided weekly job search assistance and ongoing support from a Jewish Family and Career Services coach after employment for at least 90 days.
July 30, Extreme Couponing 101 at South Central Neighborhood Place, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Located at 4255 Hazelwood Ave. Call 485-7135 to register and for more information. Local couponing guru, Kim Mapp, will teach tips and money-saving ideas to help participants build extra financial wealth while grocery shopping.
About Neighborhood Place
Louisville’s Neighborhood Place -- a partnership of Louisville Metro Government (including Community Services and Public Health and Wellness), Jefferson County Public Schools, Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services and Seven Counties -- provide one-stop centers which bring together health care, education, employment and social services at eight locations across the community. To find a Neighborhood Place in your neighborhood, please call Metro Call at 311.